Friday, March 7, 2014


Hello Endo followers, 
I am so happy to back and feel much better. I haven't blogged in a while because I've been going through a lot with my health, which many of you understand. 
So.. I saw this picture on Facebook and I just had to post it here and talk about how I feel about it. Underneath the photo it said… "Endometriosis is known as an "invisible disease" because we look just fine on the outside and are experts at smiling. This is what's going on inside. The pic on the right is during a laparoscopy (a surgery us Endo Sisters have been through often more than once or twice to look around and remove scar tissue and separate organs again). This appears to be stage IV Endo. Fact: Even stage I Endo could hurt worse than than stage IV. Some women with late stages are not even aware they have Endo until they have some of kind of surgery and it is found." When I saw this photo, it made me happy because finally people were keeping it real about this disease. A lot of people talk about how they have endometriosis and then they took some bc or had a shot and are fine now. Okay, that's fine and dandy for you, but all women aren't the same. The fact is that SOME women who have stage IV endometriosis don't experience any pain, and SOME women who have stage can experience a lot of pain. When I was first diagnosed with endo I was stage I now I am stage II  and from the start of adolescence I had very bad, debilitating cramps. I still have bad cramps and they seem to get worse every month. Lately, I have been experiencing a lot of back pain. My surgical incision near my inguinal canal is larger than before so any attempts of waxing is very painful. It's very hard for me to wear jeans now even without the bloating because my right inguinal area is always swollen days after my period. 
I want people to walk away from this blog with a better understanding of what women like me go through every day. Having endo sisters is a big help to me because I don't feel alone in a world full of judgmental people. 
I always try to wake up early so that I can acclimate myself to it. but halfway through the day I get so tired, I'm sure you all can relate. People make judgements about me and say that I'm lazy, but if they were going through the same pain that I did, they would feel like they ran a marathon too. Also when I have mood swings, people make judgements that I'm bipolar when it's just the fact that my hormones are out of wack. The more that I talk to my endo sisters, and the more that I blog I feel better and better. 

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