Saturday, December 21, 2013

New Year 2014

Hello Endo readers,
I have come to a realization that I haven't been doing all I can do to get the word out about this debilitating disease. I really need your support and help to get the word out. All you have to do is follow me on my blogspot page. A couple months ago I sent an e-mail to Ellen degeneres and I haven't heard anything back yet but I am optimistic. I wrote to her telling her about endometriosis and I even told her about some celebrities that have/ had it. I will write her as many times as i can in thehopes of being on her show to spread the awaeness. I am so proud and honored to be apart of something larger than myself. On that note, my new year's resolution is to post to my page every single day of 2014 (sometimes twice a day). I really need your help with some ideas for topics that I can post about. I will also publish a youtube video twice a week about my endo journey, how to videos, and topics that my readers want to share with me. I would like to keep my page and my videos as interactive as possible because I am not the only one with endometriosis. 
I have recently been okay with the state of my health other than minor fatigue, depression and anxiety. I feel as though my pain is not as bad as it used to be. I still have months that are worse than others, but I am still able to function. I want everyone to know that your life is not over, yes it is painful and no I am not saying that you should suck it up. All I am saying is that the pain can be better (not completely eliminated). Here's a story that I think you endo fighters may appreciate. One day in my junior year of college I was bent over the toilet, vomiting, screaming in agony, and everything else. I was having the worst endo flare of my exsistance. I got off the toilet and went back to my dorm and passed out in my bed. When I woke up the next morning I looked at myself in the mirror and hated what I felt and said to myself  "I cannot live the rest of my life this way". I had my mom drive me to my local natural food store and talked with a woman who specializes in wholistic remedies that help to heal female issues. The more I talked with her, the more I felt like she understood me. Then she out right told me that she has endometriosis and my jaw dropped. I asked her what she did and she told me that she used to be as bad as I was as far as the pain, but she took supplements that made the endo "lie dormant". She told me that it never really goes away but having pain every day isn't normal. This woman was not a doctor (eventhough I think she should be) but she was a woman that's been there and done that and fought. I bought the supplements that day and she told me as I was leaving that it takes at least three months to see results. I immediately felt discouraged. the first supplement she told me to take is called estrosense. It really does balance the estrogen levels in your body. When i started taking the pills my bra size was a 32AA and now I am a 32A. No I am not saying it makes your boobs grow lol. I am saying that my estrogen levels were clearly not balanced. 
The next supplement she told me about was evening primrose oil, and it calms your pelvic muscles during mensuration and it's also beneficial for symptoms of PMS. The third one she told me about was scudders, it's not a pill, it's actually a liquid that has a dropper. It tastes horrible but it really works, I put 50 drops into a shot glass and add some water to it and chase it with juice. It aids in cellular function (makes it better), it also removes bad tissues from the body. I saw a changes in my behavior the first month, I was calmer and didn't have bad PMDD, my bust size grew as previously stated, and my complexion was a little better. I still had pain, but my bleeding wasn't as heavy. Each month the pain lessened and lessened until the fourth month I was taking advil and in class during the start of my period which was extremely rare. I didn't have the pain leading up to my period. The only thing I didn't like was loosing weight. During the start of the supplements I was 110lbs and I dropped down to 100lbs (I am 5'3). I am used to having some curves and it scared me a a little bit but I wouldn't trade how I felt for the world. I get that everyone is different and it may not work for you, but I want to give you ladies a less invasive option than conventional hormones or surgeries because the natural wau really did help me, but I had to work for it. The supplements really helped when I was doing the endo diet combined with it. I have stopped both and the pain is starting to come back (not nearly as severe) but I went back to buy some more and I am back on my journey to wellness. Well I want to share the name of the woman who has helped me so much in the hopes of helping more women. Her name is Laurel Sterling she's on this website. Yellow hugs to all of you beautiful endo sisters. Merry Christmas and I'll see you all after the new year.       

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