Thursday, August 21, 2014


For the past month I have been a vegetarian and I am not going to lie, it's been really hard. I have been eating nothing but dark green vegetables like red and green swiss chard, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, arugula… the list goes not. I have allowed myself to eat eggs so that I can add a little more protein to my diet. I do eat beans for some protein, but it doesn't compare to the taste and the feeling of eating eggs. The reason that I am a vegetarian (or a oovotarian) is for health reasons. I still wear fur and leather  (I know Peta is frowning upon me) and if I need a small portion of meat, I buy organic. The thing about organic meat is that it is soo expensive, I cannot afford to pay 40 something dollars just on meat every couple days. Don't get me wrong, organic veggies aren't cheap either but I manage from going to the farmers market for now. I do have a plan to build an indoor greenhouse starting in September. I have some ideas from pinterest, if you would like to take a look by all means follow me on pinterest to see what I am doing.
Let me get back on topic, so I have not had meat in a month and I do not feel like it's working. I have had zoo much pain the past couple of days that I even had to suck it up and take a controlled substance and I hate that! On top of it, I had the worst depression spell of my life. I am always hungry, I have to eat like 8 times a day (small meals of course). The benefits of being a vegetarian with endo is that I don't get bloated, no matter how much I eat. That's the only result that I can see so far. I think it might take two to four months for it to start effecting my hormones and the pain. I do admit that I need to exercise more (because I don't at all) to minimize the anxiety and the depression (endorphins and all). I have an idea for Thanksgiving, I want to go turkey hunting with my fiancĂ© and his brother and donate the money that I would save from buying an organic turkey to a local food bank. I think I would save approximately 50-100 dollars on a turkey and I would donate all of it. 
I am going to the NYS fair this summer and I don't know how well I am going to do with being a vegetarian and being tempted with meat. I usually have to have a pulled pork sandwich, sausage sandwich, tullys tenders, hot dog, hamburger etc etc… I think that I will focus on eating more of the crazier things at the fair that aren't meat like fried pickles, roasted corn, fried oreos, funnel cake, fried dough. Stuff like that. A couple of things that i noticed while being a vegetarian is that I cannot stay away from carbs and dairy. I really want to switch to healthier carb and dairy alternatives eventually because I really think it would help my pain.